
Meet the

Your new, at-work sidekick for meeting cleaning compliance standards

Create cleaning schedules

Run reports in seconds

And more



Powering Your Industry with Iot

Take your business to the next level with actionable, real-time data technology.


From monitoring patient throughput to locating important equipment, Radianse has the IoMT solutions for your healthcare organization


View member occupancy, manage staff scheduling, and more to optimize your fitness facility with real-time actionable intelligence.


Provide residents with freedom and mobility based on their individual needs. Additionally, you can strengthen operations and improve productivity.


Manage staff, identify sources of contraband, and everything in between with real-time tracking for the corrections industry.


Accurate. Automatic. Continuous. Reliable.


Radianse delivers reliable and precise real-time data management, providing a high degree of visibility throughout your business environment.  Our patented algorithms continuously analyze data from many sources, while the web-based software displays this data in real-time.  The Radianse System uses  a variety of technologies to provide the live communication of context data sources with analyzing software.  Utilizing a wide array of available technologies provides the accuracy required to better meet your specific business needs.

Ease of Installation and Maintenance

The ID-Tags and other data sources are designed to be easily and quickly installed and configured: plug & play!

Radianse Receivers connect to existing Wi-Fi networks or standard Ethernet LANs.  The system uses minimal bandwidth and requires no complex site survey or need to constantly calibrate, as well as has built-in  self-diagnostics.

Radianse will install all equipment as well as certify that the system meets required specifications.  Our engineers will assist in setting up the necessary tools to keep your Radianse System running smoothly.  Our goal is to make your real-time system virtually maintenance-free.


The Radianse System can scale out with the addition of  memory and process cores in both a physical and virtual deployment.  Based on the application need, you can choose a mix of zone and room level precision.  Once the platform is in place, software updates can be done remotely and new applications can easily be added.


Assortment of Hardware Types

Radianse offers a variety of ID-Tags and Receivers to fit any business’s need.  We provide tracking equipment that can be worn on lanyards, in thin bracelets, are durable for heavy equipment, placed in doorways, even monitor temperature.  What ever your specific need is, Radianse has the hardware for it. We also work with hardware from approved third party vendors.

Water Resistant— Cleanable

Radianse has a line of ID-Tags that are designed to withstand harsher environments,  resist water penetration, and be reused.  The ID-Tags can be cleaned and reprocessed so that they are free of contamination and safe to reuse.

Alerts and Analytics

Point-and-click configuration of the Radianse software applications lets you define alerts based on any combination of tagged personnel or assets.  These “alerts” generate notifications that can be sent on screen via text, email, or to another company software application.

Advanced Applications

Radianse has a host of specialized software applications that help drive operational efficiency.  Once the hardware is implemented in your environment, the data collected will help improve business processes as well as bring enhanced visibility of assets, flow patterns, personnel interactions, and more.


Above all else, the Radianse System is extremely customizable.  Our innovative technology allows you to create solutions for your specific company needs.  The Radianse Awareness Suite enables you to see any status information required as well as set staff schedules, view past ID-Tag interactions, and more.  Being able to build a solution specifically for your business gives you the power to enhance processes, save time, and save money.


Real-Time Visibility Dashboard

Picture1The Radianse Awareness Suite delivers a comprehensive view of your entire business environment, bringing you a greater level of visibility into a continuous flow of real-time data.

The Radianse Awareness Suite features a host of valuable applications that range from simple asset tracking to department-wide, mission-critical applications to ensure superior operating standards in almost any industry.

Asset Management

Picture3Easily and quickly locate and access real-time context data on any tagged resource anywhere within your business environment.  The Radianse Awareness Suite Management application features capabilities that are powerful, intuitive and highly informational. The Radianse Awareness Suite delivers visibility to simplify and optimize management.

The Find feature is as easy to use as a basic Internet search engine and the Advanced Find allows searches based on more complex criteria.

Track equipment down to room-level accuracy, displaying live situation data results in spreadsheet format or mapped to your floor-plan.

Some of the Management features include, but are not limited to:

  • Tracking & detecting by type, location, or most frequently searched
  • Asset utilization
  • Preventative maintenance scheduling
  • Loss & theft prevention
  • Temperature and humidity monitoring
  • Elimination of hoarding
  • Advanced alerts and reporting

Client Throughput

Picture1Immediately and accurately track a client’s throughput anywhere within your business environment.  Using RFID Tags, guest location and situation data is continually monitored.  Untagged tracking is available to monitor numerical data on clientele within the facility.  This data helps enhance the client experience by lowering wait times, eliminating bottlenecks, providing insight as to which areas are accessed most frequently, and more.

Stored time-based data provides unbiased measures of when and where people are moving so that you can optimize business flow.

Use passive tracking to determine statistical values of tagged assets and their interactions with your clients. Detect how many people have accessed certain assets and when.  Time-based numerical values allow you to access patterns of your business processes in order to optimize performance.

Some of the Throughput features include, but are not limited to:

  • Continuously track guest’s flow and progress
  • Monitor wait times
  • Resolve bottlenecks
  • Enhance scheduling
  • Ensure asset readiness
  • Lower elopement rates
  • Set triggers, alerts or thresholds
  • Use real-time data to monitor throughput statistics

Staff Optimization

Picture2Using active-RFID Tags, immediately and accurately track personnel location and continuously monitor status data to help enhance overall business operations

Find any personnel you need by name, concentration, or other search criteria.  There is immediate and ongoing value in knowing where staff is spending time and using that information to help them be more efficient and satisfied with their work.

Some of the Staff Optimization features include, but are not limited to:

  • Quickly locate staff by name, department or type
  • Expedite staff rounds
  • Staff-to-client associations
  • Monitor person ratios
  • Process and methodology optimization
  • Staff has enhanced visibility of assets and location information


  • Decent salary, supportive co-workers, not much else
  • Co-workers doing amazing things and supporting each other


  • Outdated technology, harassment is encouraged by terminating anyone who complains to upper management, working extra hours is expected
  • Stressful environment, No management, support Dedication means nothing. Company is merely a toy for the owners