

Get your members
more involved!

Private community app for
membership based professional groups.


ConnectPlus is best suited for professional and business communities who are looking for a mobile first experience.

Using ConnectPlus you can provide a better business networking experience to your members and bring them closer.

It also helps make group communication and collaboration better and fun.

Following are the core functionalities of connectplus.

Interest Groups – You can create multiple interest groups inside a community for networking and collaboration among members.

Notices – a dedicated place for admins to share full screen updates and announcements to the members so that admin notices don’t get lost in the rest of information.

Members Directory and Member Profiles which are networking optimized with social contacts

1-1 Messaging among members of the community

Less clutter and more organized information is made possible via color coding, custom interactions and threaded comments

Privacy is taken care of with phone number or email ids of group members staying private

Custom Interactions help you enable a unique experience to your community eg. Conduct a poll, get RSVPs to events, Ask Me Anything.

ConnectPlus is best suited for business networking focused communities run by individuals or organizations.

Membership based communities and other professional communities including premium business networks, professional associations, industry associations, volunteer networks, startup incubators, accelerators, virtual communities, social media groups and messaging groups can benefit from ConnectPlus.

ConnectPlus is a product or service offered by a company called McGraw-Hill Education. It is a digital learning platform that provides students with online resources, such as e-books, quizzes, and interactive activities, to supplement traditional textbook materials. These resources are designed to help students learn and study more effectively. ConnectPlus may be used by students in a variety of educational settings, including K-12 schools, colleges, and universities.

Free in-app ad exchange platform

ConnectPlus is designed for Shopify app developers to provide an effective advertising solution that won’t boost your marketing budget.

It’s an innovative banner ad exchange platform that enables you to advertise your Shopify app for FREE by promoting apps from partnering developers in return.


Why ConnectPlus?

Free forever

It’s free to sign up and use ConnectPlus and it always will be. We don’t need your credit card details – and no, there’s no catch!

Real-time ad tracking

You can easily monitor your ad’s performance through the ConnectPlus dashboard and see how many views and clicks your ad has received in real-time.Split test to increase conversions

Split test to increase conversions

With ConnectPlus, it’s simple to carry out A/B split testing and make tweaks to your ads to improve their performance. You can adjust your ad settings at any time.

Significantly increase your app sales

It takes just a few clicks to get your app in front of more than 100K merchants with ConnectPlus.

Our extensive reach will ultimately lead to more app installs and sales for you.

Benefit from targeted advertising

Your ad will only be displayed within apps that attract a similar audience to your own. That’s a captive market that will most likely be interested in what your app has to offer.

A win-win solution!

ConnectPlus is the only advertising platform you’ll need to promote your app to the right people (without spending a penny).

Say goodbye to Facebook and Google Ads for good.

How does it work?

  • Sign up to ConnectPlus (for free).
  • Add a piece of code to your app to display other developers’ ads.
  • For each ad you display, you’ll get a free slot in the ConnectPlus ad network to display an ad for your app.
  • You can monitor your ad’s performance in real-time and carry out A/B split testing.

The pros of using ConnectPlus include:

  1. Convenience: ConnectPlus allows students to access their course materials and resources online, which means they can study and complete assignments from anywhere, at any time.
  2. Personalization: ConnectPlus offers various interactive activities and quizzes that are tailored to the student’s learning style and level of understanding, helping them to learn more effectively.
  3. Collaboration: ConnectPlus allows students to collaborate with classmates and instructors in real-time, which can be beneficial for group projects and discussions.
  4. Accessibility: ConnectPlus can be accessed by students with disabilities, including those with visual or auditory impairments, providing them with the same opportunities to learn as their peers.

The cons of using ConnectPlus include:

  1. Technical difficulties: ConnectPlus relies on a stable internet connection and may be affected by technical issues such as slow load times, which can be frustrating for students.
  2. Cost: ConnectPlus is often an additional cost for students, which can be a financial burden for some.
  3. Limited access: Some students may not have access to a computer or internet connection, which can prevent them from using ConnectPlus effectively.
  4. Dependence: ConnectPlus may create a dependency on technology for learning which may not be suitable for some students.